八種食物最刮油 八種食物最刮油 2008年11月21日 09:14:46  來源:生命時報 營養學家認為,經常吃些降脂清腸的食物,不僅能排除油膩, 更能保護心血管,防止“三高”。 酒店經紀《生命時報》記者採訪 北大第一醫院營養部主任孫孟裏時,他向大家推薦以下 八種有助化 租房子解油膩的食物。 1.  燕麥:具備降膽固醇和降血脂的作用,這是由于燕麥 中含有豐富的膳食纖維 seo,這種可溶性的燕麥纖維, 在其他穀物中找不到。 2.  洋蔥:洋蔥含有環蒜氨酸和硫氨酸等化合物,有助于 血栓的 室內設計溶解。外國人特別愛吃洋蔥,他們經常用 洋蔥搭配高脂肪、高熱量的食物,以解油膩。 3.  玉米:含豐富的鈣、磷、鎂、鐵、硒等,及維生素A、 部落格 B1、B2、B6、E和胡蘿卜素等,還富含膳食纖維。 常食玉米油,可降低膽固醇並軟化血管。煮玉米, 是最簡單的做法。 4.  山藥:山藥有“神仙之食”的美譽,其黏 部落格液蛋白能預防 心血管系統的脂肪沉積,保持血管彈性, 防止動脈硬化;減少皮下脂肪沉積,避免肥胖。 5.  海藻:素有“海洋蔬菜”的美譽,其低熱量、低脂肪的 特點令營養學家關注。藻類 部落格含有植物多糖等 植物化學物質,具有抗氧化、調節免疫力、 抑制腫瘤、抗感染、降低膽固醇、延緩衰老等 多種生理功能。海帶等褐藻含有豐富的膠體纖維, 能顯著降低血清膽固醇。 6.  銀耳:銀耳滋而不膩,為 房地產滋補良藥,其富含膳食纖維, 可加強胃腸蠕動,減少脂肪吸收。銀耳多糖屬 植物多糖,有降低膽固醇、增強免疫力、抗腫瘤、 抗衰老和美容潤膚等作用。 7.  芹菜:含有較多膳食纖維,特別含有降血壓成分, 也有降血脂、降血?酒店兼職}作用。另外,芹菜葉中含的 胡蘿卜素和維生素C較多, 吃芹菜時不要把嫩葉扔掉。 8.  山楂:山楂中所含的果膠是可溶性膳食纖維, 有降低膽固醇,預防動脈粥樣硬化的作用。 常吃山楂可除油解膩,促進消化。 (記者 李穎慧 圖片來源:39健?個人信貸d網)  .

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          健固金華 -照顧父母親的骨骼保健第二彈~重點是~純素哦!!! 這是我幫媽咪保養骨骼的健康食品但是~且不用提老媽吃東西本來就洋派 外曾祖母是 個人信貸荷蘭人 偺家DNA胃凝乳脢本來就較一般國人分泌 辦公室出租旺盛對多數國人來說 乳製品=乳糖不適症 哪可能吃起士保養骨骼呢?? 商務中心? 現在有樣骨骼保養品............ 健固金華 百位教授推薦哦!!! 教授們列載名冊以茲證明 結婚 多樣稀有草木菁華~~~ 純素食者的保養骨骼福音欸!!! 孝敬父母照顧父母的骨骼保健聖品-健固金華  「健固金華」是 ARMANI目前市面上最完整的骨骼照顧全配方,以天然水果風味果汁,好喝零負擔。維持骨骼健康不是一朝一夕,需要長時間保養。一個月份市價1680元的健固 辦公室出租金華,照顧家中的長輩們! 讓您照顧長輩身體!有孝親部落客飲「健固金華」!    因為骨骼保健非一蹴可及,易珈生技提供一個月份的「健固金華」,每天一包,分享產 信用貸款品主要成分介紹和食用後心得,著重體驗後的感想分享。 上了年紀的父母親平均每天總要吞許多藥,甚至需要先將錠劑磨碎成粉末才能吞食,「健固金華」很貼心的將八種頂級成份,研發成天然水 房屋出租果風味的果汁,讓保健成為一種享受。 健固金華每份含 葡萄糖胺1500mg (美國)軟骨素 400mg (阿根廷)乳酸鈣 400mg (荷蘭)維生素 D3 10ug (荷蘭)山竹萃取 300mg (法國)鳳梨酵素 200mg (泰國)山葡萄 100mg (台灣) 西裝外套 貓爪藤 50mg (巴西) 沖泡式,每日一包,加入200c.c冷開水,稍微攪拌即可食用 葡萄糖胺產品中的鑽石品牌,給您絕不妥協的最高品質 眾口皆碑:紀政等20位知名運動國手感動背書推薦 (無代言費) 所有原料來自國際大廠,具完整專利及認證?室內裝潢禤?

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          India's Tata Motors to launch ultra-cheap Nano car India's Tata Motors to launch ultra-cheap Nano car 有巢氏房屋 買房子 As of 11:43 a.m. CDT http://www.yaho 21世紀房屋仲介o.com/ 室內裝潢 Mar 22, 2009 India needs to know those Tata Motors underground chained slavery terrors contro 酒店兼職lled by evil Chinese worse than those Rail road  built by British military force helped by those Chinese treasons that betray 信用卡代償led China King's order.    India needs to keep ride the wild animals as your transportation tools so that you can have the good 酒店經紀luck to deserve enough rain falls.                       &nb 借貸sp;                                  面膜;                 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 設計裝潢  .

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          Why you need kill evil FEMALE dressed animals Linda Chwee alike immediately? Because female dressed animal Linda Chwee using her working in USA post office position to make invisibly scaring, polluting to your naive, stupid bad ugly evil civilians to donate germ bills to corrupted your public post office mailpersons to build their own underground chained slavery terrorist to replace any your good better best integrity workers who may have had seen the righteous point before I got that public workers must not accept any g 西服erm bill from any civilians personally (this may explain how come USA civilians always paid bills by mail, through phone, internet or in office counter, no public workers personally collect payment directly in your civilian private place, therefore, you should know if any political candidates collect political fund directly from supporter's hand out, that politicians must be killed immediately, because when a political links dared see your 591common law like nothing, he or she already too evil to be dealed by your civil court, too corrupted to be cured by your jail lock, killing him or her must be the only option in order to save your society from falling into deep deeper deepest hells.). I remember when I met Linda Chwee many years ago in NewYork, she told me about her post office work that she was a mail deliver expecting her mail district residents paying extra money (like the tips she got whe 西服n she worked in restaurants) to mailpersons like her a must shit or courtesy down sighted custom, I was lucky at that time that I did not need to do like she invisibly scaring, threathening custom because Kenswick residents mailbox not in front of individual house, therefore, I did not need to do like her invisibly scaring, polluting billing tale, however, after I moved in Memorial Northwest subdivision, the mailbox in front of every individual house, therefore, I had paid the e 借貸xtra bill like Linda Chwee tipped invisibly demanding untill years or year ago I realized it was not a right thing to do to pay any germ billed tip to public workers, therefore, I immediately stopped that wrongful tip that I got invisibly scared, threatened from stupid bad ulgy evil Linda Chwee disgusting selfish greedy corrupted invisible crawl terrorist acting. Evil female dressed animal Linda Chwee haD showed capable polluting, threatening, fooling peaceful house woman like me , how much more 太平洋房屋 your politicians and civilians may have had corrupted by her? Male evil doers like JungShiauLin won't corrupted peaceful house woman like me, he did the corruption by himself visibly(when visibly criminal, you may have option to jail to watch, for evil doers like Linda Chwee committing invisibly crime, you have no jail available to watch her in this earth, you must kill her to rely on Satan's hells, the sooner you kill her, the only way you can help her better off from falling into deeper.), this is why you mu 保濕面膜st kill FEMALE evil doers Linda Chwee(She's 華興校友, her Chinese name 虞夏 花 917-4353068 718-2656502 70-45 LOUBET ST. FOREST HILLS NY 11375. Her brother 虞夏生 also 華興校友,907 Harvard Rd. Monroeville, PA 15146 412-373-7423; her sister 翁虞小娥 718-6997430, 翁虞小娥 looked like "大姐頭" when I saw her in her NewYork Chinese surrounding area, she owned or owns a NewYork house near NewYork Macy's department, renting to unusual crowded individuals most likely illegal restaurant workers or vulnerable illegal 小留學生[Notice 小 褐藻醣膠留學生, 小as 翁虞小娥 , 生as 虞夏生], how those helpless loveless vulnerable 小留學生 may have had planted slaved minded by 虞夏花 虞夏生 翁虞小娥 combined? How 虞夏花  翁虞小娥 may have had taken advantage of those vulnerable小留學生 weakness like they had taken advantage of my parentless homeless weakness before. ) alike immediately. US Post Office must have no guts to fire Linda Chwee because of fearing her "Huang.Whore" underground chained slavery terriorist too forceful to deal, even police stationed group of mankind failed to get justice in the " 酒店工作Rodney King" vs Linda Chwee linking "Huang.Whore" case (Yes, I say Linda chwee linking to those "Huang.Whore" case, you may start investigating from ChuChaoRen's family members[415-6959678 415-7526914 415-3971272 415-3915197 213-4610636 2211 Damon ST. Los Angeles CAlif. 333 kearn ST., Suite 208 & 206 San Francisco, Calif 94108 P.O.Box 26056 San Francisco CA 94126] links, 徐翼爾[408-9731972 10162PARKCIRCLE WEST, APT NO.1, CUPERTINO, CA 95014. 408-2445413 3440 Notre Dame, Santa Clara, CA 95051] links, 華興校友 in California links, Datwani[P.O.Box 5989 Los Angeles CA 90055; 112 W 9 澎湖民宿th St. Suite 505 Los Angeles CA 90015; 2605 Teresiva Dr. Hacianda HTS CA 91745 818-3336346] links, JungShiauLin's links[ Mark Lin 622 S. Velure #7 Ana Reim CA 92804 213-626-2863 714-220-9582]) how dare you think any Post Office supervisor alone or supervisors group together dares or dare to do like that? Therefore, to kill Her alike is the only option you mankind must take in order to save all of you in your country from Her "Huang.Whore" dargon down deep deeper deepest hells.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買房子  .

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          Why First Class English has no way to deal with their own White Trash? 小人".  That how you must not ever rely on American formed USA lie (Question your self: Dare any First Class English told Bush junior and his voters HONESTLY that because he is shorter than his dad, therefore, he must not qualified to run for any 宜蘭民宿office? Dare any First Class English to tell Hillary Clinton and Condi Rice and all voters HONESTLY that they are not First Class quality human form, therefore, they must not be allowed to run, they must not allowed to work? Dare any First Clas 墾丁民宿s English dare tell all voters HONESTLY THAT Obama has under age kids, therefore, he must not be allowed to take any office duty? Dare any First Class English tell all voters HONESTLY that Obama is American Black, therefore, he must not be allowed to run for any of 日月潭民宿fice? Dare First Class English tell the voters HONESTLY THAT Obama's wife worked out of his home, therefore, he must not be allowed to be hired by anyone? When your first class runner must have to keep his lips tight to do the oral fight, how could anyone of them win any oral batt 麻辣鍋le ground? How could anyone help any female dressed animal and evil doer to know that they must hide instead of HI?  Dare any First Class English tell their hired White House  to close down the entire US Secretary Department, because they cannot find any First Class expert to lead that every priva 麻辣火鍋te company boss must have no problem to close down that line or his entire company when they cannot find better worker to compete? That how USA is finished, totally taken over by American werewolves. That how you Chinese must seal your border cut your tie totally with the rest of the world. If you cannot 火鍋吃到飽be good enough to seal the border, you have to rely on nuclear weapon to bomb entire Continent of America gone with wind if you cannot be good enough to communist the entire Continent of Ameirca. Because Communist can have your entire nation like a company, Communist members are all boss, the richest or the most powerful or the most 盤纏銀兩famous or the biggest muscle to be the chief, it likes the Street Gang to rank by real good ability, capability, quality or size naturally [Why naturally matters? Because naturally rank most like the natural real wild animals to live along each other freely peacefully. Every man and woman must die sooner or later, if you don't rely on the most mankind man to h 金瓜石民宿ave the best will best sniper skill to kill, you have to give woman the freedom to lie on bed to starve to die, you have to make the man labors like horse and cow too exhaust to wake up like the role that Marlon Brando played in that film "Godfather" passing away under the sky on his seat peacefully to tell you how Chinese told you "Dow.1.Yo.Dow", the street gangster does not k 九份民宿ill anyone who can do better than self.], therefore, you don't need to bothered by power corruption; it is Free of Charge, therefore, you don't need bothered by money corruption; it is not rely on oral fight, therefore, you don't threatened by sex corruption. ) to lead. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 清境  .

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          回覆:神的預知 #136 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?z=126813747&ct=335544320&lm=0&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=%CC%EC%B7%BD%D2%B9%CC%B8&pn=120 結婚西裝 [like 孫國慶 showed when he's the form of former Pr 房屋二胎esident of France forced to bent to his wife who's in that US Secretary 燒烤form Condi Rice] Therefore, I realized that Arafat and all his linked PLA must under their slavery 襯衫terrors force, Arafat's wife must be one of their underground chained slavery terrors also; Kosovo-KLA must be their un 保濕面膜derground chained slavery terrors also, that may explain how come it said that "Lee.Done.Wheel" surrendered US$300,000,000. to Kosovo while T 酒店兼職aiwan already needed tighten self budget.Their chain enlarged so tight so long, therefore, anyone higher than them must have no way spared out of their choke, th 澎湖民宿at how you need to demand every nation to seal their border and to provide all daily life needs to every one Free of Charge, because it is the only way to loose their enlarge chain and d 酒店工作isappearing behind your back. You cannot afford to service all them free of charge, or you lack the hot to service them free of charge, you need to nuclear the entire Continent of America and the entire Mainland Ch 租房子ina to cut their biggest lots, then patiently kill them one by one, 10 by 10, 100 by 100, until they all gone. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 帛琉  .

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          2010 01 05 新流感 在美國的5位年輕學生 再利用網路的便利與塔利班聯繫 企圖發動恐怖攻擊 這5位學生真的頭殼壞去 同胞為了打阿富汗都死了500多人吃裡扒外的老鼠! 在巴基斯坦被捕5美國人否認意圖發動攻擊 在巴基斯坦被捕5美國人 否認意 室內裝潢圖發動攻擊(路透巴基斯坦薩果達4日電)疑似透過網際網路與激進團體接觸,準備發動恐怖攻擊的5名美國人,今天在巴基斯坦法庭上表示,他們只是想提供穆 酒店工作斯林兄弟財務和醫藥援助。 這幾名20多歲的年輕學生,來自美國維吉尼亞州(Virginia),他們於上個月被捕。巴基斯坦警方表示,電子郵件顯示,他們曾與塔利班(Taliban) 買屋聯繫,且塔利班打算利用他們在巴基斯坦境內發動攻擊。 辯護律師說,這些嫌犯於反恐法庭出庭應訊,且將還押候審至1月18日。律師在審訊後告訴路透:「這5名男子否認曾與蓋達組織(Al-Qaeda)、 酒店兼職(巴基斯坦好戰團體)翟西-穆罕默德(Jaish-e-Mohammad)或其他激進團體有聯繫。」 5名美國人在薩果達(Sargodha)被捕,巴基斯坦一個大型空軍基地設在薩果達,當地位於首都伊斯蘭馬巴德(Islamabad)東南方 烤肉食材190公里。他們當中2人為巴基斯坦後裔,1人為埃及裔、1人為葉門裔、1人是厄利垂亞(Eritrea)裔,5人尚未被起訴。官員說,5人身上有地圖,企圖穿越巴基斯坦西北部,抵達在阿富汗邊境的蓋達和塔利班激進份子大本營。 > 術後面膜.........................................................................................................................................阿富汗南部兩起炸彈攻擊事件 1英4美軍身亡 北大西洋公約組織(NATO)所領導的部隊和英國部隊今天在聲明中表示,阿 商務中心富汗南部昨天發生兩起路邊炸彈攻擊事件,造成四名美軍和一名英國軍人身亡。 在美國為首聯軍2001年推翻塔利班(Taliban)政權後,阿富汗的暴力事件目前達到高峰。美國去年在阿富汗服役的軍人遇害身亡人數,是2008年的兩倍多 >....................................... 信用貸款.................................................................................................. 南韓籲北韓合作尋找韓戰陣亡將士遺體 基於人道主義,南韓總統李明博(Lee Myung-bak)今天呼籲北韓合作,共同將1950-53年韓戰期間數萬名兩韓陣亡將士遺體運送回國。 儘管美國和北韓的外交關係 房屋二胎艱難,封閉的北韓多年前就同意美國軍方小組進入該國,尋找在韓戰陣亡的美國將士遺體。 李明博發表新年國政演說時指出:「南韓不會忘記那些在異國他鄉犧牲生命的將士。」 ....................................................................................................................................... 租屋..  .

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          梳頭有大學問 梳頭有大學問 每天梳頭是一件極為重要的事。為什麼古人總是說要天天梳頭?因為梳頭實際上就是在梳經絡。有人說梳頭多了,容易損傷毛囊,那咱們把指甲剪平了,用10個手指肚來梳,這樣怎麼梳都損傷不了毛囊,而且還很有力量。您看頭的側面全是膽經,有20多個穴位,您都不用找, 商務中心就這麼一梳,哪塊有點疼,就證明哪塊有阻塞,您就反復地揉它,不知道那個穴叫什麼名字沒關係。因為您一梳頭,膽經上的20多個穴位就全部“一網打盡”了。開始梳頭的時候,您會發現,長期頭痛或者膽囊不好、有乳腺?宜蘭民宿W生這些膽經阻塞方面問題的人,頭上一定有相應的阻滯點。經絡是連著的,下面有堵的地方,它上面也堵。所以您這麼一梳,就會發覺某處有疼的地方,用大拇指一點一揉,會發現裏面還有一些結節、疙瘩的東西,這時,您一定要把這個東西?墾丁民宿|開了。每天梳頭多長時間為好呢?堅持每天300次就非常好了。有人說我有的是時間,梳3000次怎麼樣?那當然更好。頭不怕多梳,您就記住,梳頭好處大了。頭為諸陽之會,所有的氣血都是奔著頭上來的,頭就怕堵住了,一堵住什麼心血管疾病、腦梗塞之類的問題 日月潭民宿就全來了。您把頭一梳,頭部一清爽,這些問題就全解決了。所以梳頭是能消百病的妙法。有人說:“我不敢梳頭,因為頭髮本來就少,還老掉”。我說:“越是這樣的人,越得多梳。為什麼?您別怕掉頭發,因為,凡是用手指肚一梳就掉的頭髮,它根本就是在頭上面浮擱著呢!您不動它 麻辣鍋,睡覺起來後也是一床,您不如乾脆先給它弄下來就完了,剩下的頭髮就個個都是精英了。這就跟種花似的,您得把那些枯葉剪下去,別讓它也跟著一塊吸收營養,最後剩下的那些才是茁壯的。”還有的人說:“我也不敢梳頭,我一梳頭就白花花的跟下雪似的,全是頭皮屑,沒法梳。”他覺得越梳頭皮屑越 麻辣火鍋多。其實,如果能堅持每天梳頭至少300次,連著梳1周,您再梳的時候就會發現已經沒什麼“雪花”了,而且梳完以後會看到滿手都是油污汙的。這說明您把堵塞在毛孔上的這些黑油(中醫講的濕氣、痰濁)給梳出來了,這樣當然就不長頭皮屑了。梳頭不但可以治療脫髮,還能治療白髮和頭髮無光澤。當頭髮濃密起來後, 火鍋吃到飽就證明您的氣血越來越足,肝腎的功能提高了。另外,有的時候我們想補補肝、補補腎,但往往直接補不到,效力達不到這個地方,怎麼辦呢?“諸病於內,必形於外”,人體的裏面和外面是有通路的。誰是它的通路?頭部就是它的通路。您經常梳梳頭,就跟肝腎通上了。人不可能頭髮很濃密而肝腎卻很弱,這是絕不可能的。頭髮濃密了,肝腎的功 盤纏銀兩能也就提高了,這是一體的兩面,只要提高一方面,另一方面就提高了。梳頭時,除了頭兩側,正面也要全梳。頭的正面是膀胱經,是專門抵禦風寒的。有的人經常容易感冒,就是風寒老進來的原因。您把膀胱經多梳梳,就不容易患感冒了。還有的人總覺得頭暈,腦供血不足,什麼原因?是督脈堵塞住了。督脈這條中間線,下至尾骨,與腎經相通,上行巔頂百會穴,如果時時保持通暢 金瓜石民宿的話,不但您不會得老年癡呆,而且會越梳越精神。所以梳頭應該把頭部全梳一遍,每天梳得越多越好。別小看梳頭這個動作,靠它就能打通人體的很多經絡,是屬於給身體打地基的。當打通經絡後,再集中看看哪個穴位有問題,特意去揉一揉,這就是為身體添磚加瓦了. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 九份民宿  .

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          啤酒酵母的誘惑~臺南縣 善化 啤酒酵母是用於釀造啤酒的發酵菌。啤酒的製造過程必須先將大麥芽轉化成營養豐富的麥汁之後,再加入啤酒酵母進行發酵。啤酒酵母一邊吸收麥汁中的麥牙糖、礦物質、胺基酸、維生素等營養成分進行增殖,一邊產生酒精與二氧?節能燈具牷C上層發酵澄清液即為美味的生啤酒。沉澱的酵母菌經過清洗、殺菌、乾燥等加工處理,所得的產物即為啤酒酵母。 成功啤酒廠-----設在臺南縣善化鎮成功 裝潢路二號,於民國六十二年十二月興建,至六十四年十二月竣工,共計投資工程費新臺幣十億七千餘萬元。 該廠面積共一四.三七公頃,年產麥芽27000公噸,0.6公升啤酒2700萬打。 房屋出租臺灣啤酒行銷海內外,廣獲消費者喜愛,並屢獲國際品賞會評選為金牌啤酒。 上班族由於生活緊張、壓力大,加上飲食不當、生活作息不正常,使得腸道消化機能不良,容易導置腹瀉及便秘。啤酒酵母含有的膳 房地產食纖維,會在腸道中吸收水份,增加糞便體積,使其鬆軟,不溶性的纖維則可刺激腸胃蠕動,縮短食物滯留腸胃的時間,維持腸道健康與排便順暢。 台灣最『青』的啤酒,搭配以2.5分肥7.5分豬腿瘦肉的黃金比例優質豬肉,調合製酒的紅麴 吳哥窟、高梁、紹興酒所製成的紅麴香腸,肉質甜嫩、口味香Q,在炎炎夏日裡還真是一種享受! 亞洲蔬菜中心--位于臺南縣善化鎮益民寮六十號,占地一百十六公頃,距臺南巿十九公里 。本中心為非營利性國際農業學術研究機構,經費主要由各參與國提供。 帛琉民國五十二年鑒於亞洲地區民眾營養急待改善,美國國際開發總署首創設立蔬菜研究機構之議, 交亞洲各分署徵詢各該國之意見。 中華民國首先響應支持,經八年之艱苦爭取,於民國六十年五月二十二日經中,美、日、韓、菲、 泰等國及亞洲開發銀行代表在臺簽署備忘錄及章則, 買房子亞洲蔬菜研究發展中心始正式成立。 三級古蹟『慶安宮』媽祖廟位於善化中心,其建廟起源,相傳至今已有三百多年的歷 史。 慶安宮舊名「文昌祠」,向來是善化地區應考學子祈求金榜題名的廟宇,每逢高中聯考、大學 聯考及中秋節,都有相關的祭典。 慶安宮是荷蘭據台時,全台開基的四所學校 澎湖民宿之一,也是目加溜灣社所在,當時學習荷蘭語文的學生 就有二千人 善化糖廠----善化糖廠前身為日人經營之臺灣製糖株式會社灣裡製糖所,廠址在善化鎮溪美里三一O 號,創立於民國前七年二月,次年十二月正式開工製糖,由日人中島于巿主持,旋改由溝上喜世人 任所長。是時僅有第一工場,壓榨量為一八O公噸,經逐年改善為七O 房屋買賣O公噸,至民國十七年再擴建 第二工場,增加壓榨量為一千公噸。 光復後三十五年五月一日,並將原名改為臺灣糖業公司第二分公司灣裡糖廠,至三十九年七月各分 公司改為總廠,改隸總爺總廠,更名總爺總廠灣裡糖廠。五十年七月改稱總爺總廠善化糖廠,五十 六年七月總爺總廠改組為麻佳總廠,六十三年十一月麻佳總廠撤銷,奉令改屬新營總廠至今 信用貸款。  .

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